Top reasons to visit Venice during Carnivals

Our last destination in our Europe trip is definitely Italy. Italy should mark the end of our journey. Italy was awesome and totally travelers friendly. Though I would say that not all people in Europe knew how to speak in English. It is a little bit hard to understand conversation at the train information counter or talking to the train conductor but you can always survive at Italy.

I would say that the weather is a bit warmer than the UK but I could still live with it because Malaysia is way hotter than the west. One thing that gives me chill in Italy is that their soldiers marching around tourist sites. It somehow should makes me feel safe but not necessarily. Mostly because all the time I am wearing 'hijab' which is the Muslim head scarf. It somehow projects to people 'come and shoot me because I am a potential terrorist'. It definitely gives me chill but nothing happen to thus far, so let's put the paranoia aside shall we. So all you got to do is to always be positive when travelling in such environment.

Let's talk about the top 5 reasons to visits Venice during Carnival of the year

1. Colorful and festive
Venice during the carnival have a lot of people with super beautiful costumes. Most participants will try to look as if it is still in the Victorian times. Men with tights and females with long gown and corset hugging their body. It look beautiful in a way. The festival will mark Venice as the most colorful canvas on that day.

2. A lot of people
There will be a lot of people and tourists in Venice during the festival. Therefore we do have to pay attention as to not be pick pocket during our travels. However, that should not be the reason to not be friendly with other travelers and tourists. People during festivals tend to be extra friendly and we should definitely take advantage of that by getting to know people.

3. Loads of food choices
For Muslim like me, finding food that suite my need would be troublesome in Europe.Unlike Malaysia, I could find Halal food anywhere. However, Venice surprisingly cater our needs. I see a lot of Kebab with Halal signature on the wall of the restaurants. Not only the food is cheap but it also serves in huge servings. Until now I could not forget the Donor Kebab. Definitely delicious!

4. Cheap Merchandise
Because of so many people around, most merchandise will be sold cheap. I will definitely take advantage to this situation. When we travel, we always want to bring back home some of the merchandises that reminds us about the place we visit. Therefore knowing the time of the year would definitely gives you an advantage. Riding gondola would still be expensive though.

What do you think about Venice? Is everything overprice or considerate?
Zaza Zahidah


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