Interview: How to prepare yourself for the big event.

I bet everyone had their time in interview. So here I am will give a bit of my thought regarding interviews. It is all about strategy play. You have to change it when you don't feel right about your strategy. Always remember that, you still have to be yourself. Don't make the strategy closes whatever interesting about you. If the interviewee doesn't like it, so be it. If you desperate need it then be very careful with the strategy.

First, let's talk about what to wear. I suggest that you guys to wear formal shirt with ties for the gentleman. Make sure no cartoon ties. That will be really ridiculous. Anything you wear should definitely project that you are a professional. You should present yourself with a smile, neat, tidy and ironed clothes, proper colour shirt. No striking red or striking pink whatsoever that could distract the eye. Remember yourself should look outstanding not your clothes nor your style. Importantly is, look pleasant and representable.

I suggest you guys wear a silver watch. Makes you look more professional that way, gives the impression that you guys are punctual and ready for every meeting. For the ladies, never wear high heels that are too high because it gives the impression that you are incapable work. Wear maybe about 2 inch heels and make sure it is comfortable also. You don't want to be interviewed with aching all over your feet right.

What to wear
1/ Decent formal shirt
2/ Not colourful ties
3/ Have to look nice, presentable and smart
4/ For ladies, wear only about 2 inch heels and comfortable one
5/ Silver watch
6/ A proper bag

Now during the interview, what to say? Prepare with a subtle speech about yourself. The interviewers will definitely ask you introduce yourself. The night before, make sure you are prepared either physically and mentally because there are several interviewers out there that are born to crack your head. Make you angry and loss control. Just make sure to prepare yourself to take control of the situation. Don't give in for sure.

I just had an scholarship interview and this one interviewer was there just to crack everyone brain including me. Well this is my piece of advise, don't lose control because I did lost mine. If I did not get the scholarship then I will definitely know what did I do wrong. But even a bonus is, you answer the question with splendid answer. Don't make yourself look like a fool because the interviewer is trying to do so. So my advice here, prepare any question with your friend, family members whatsoever just so you prepare with any questions.

So there you go, a few advice on what to wear so that you look more presentable and can be their next candidate. 

Be prepare physically and mentally. Peace out by ZazaZahidah


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