Last Resort won at MMU Battle of the Bands 2016

Hi guys, now that I am back in Malaysia let's talk about Last Resort at MMU (Multimedia University) couple days ago. There were about 7 bands that competed that night. From what I remembered, UIA, GMI, UTP, UITM participated in the competition. However, Last Resort managed to be the Champion for MMU Battle of the Band 2016 winning the grand price of a total RM 1000. I supported them from the very beginning and was very proud of them based on the outcome of the competition.

With Finals just around the corner, I am very proud that they still go on with the competition and actually won it. During the night, they performed 3 sets of songs which are Treasure by Bruno Mars, Di Penjara Janji by Awie (Malay Rock songs in the 90s) and Hoha Anisharon, Look Ma No Hands (Shatterhand) by Amauri Edson Oliveira Rosa Jr. The last song was actually composed by one of the band member from Sarcophynyx.

May I introduced them starting from the left:

1, Saxophonist: T-Rex
2. Drummer: Emei
3. Second Guitarist: Firdaus
4. Lead Guitarist: Faris
5. Singer: Danial
6. Bassist: Jordan
7. Keyboardist: Johanan

Catch their tunes at MMU with three videos below from Faris Rahim Youtube Channel.

Treasure by Bruno Mars

Di Penjara Janji by Awie

Hoha AnisHaron - Look Ma No Hands (Shatterhands)

Hopefully Last Resort will keep on going forever achieving what they believe in the most. See you again soon.

Zaza Zahidah


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