Top 10 Tips to Travel Safe

Nowadays many people decides to go out travelling since the state of economy is increasing. There are many reasons to why people gone out to travel but do they know most suitable way to travel? Here is the the top 10 what to do when you out travelling.

1. Get to know the area
The very first basic of travelling is to know the area that you will visit. Even though it is exciting to 'just wing it' but to be safe is to know what you are getting yourself into. First tip is to always know where is the location of your accommodation, whether or not it is situated in a bronx area or whether it is near a pub or a club. Whether or not there is theft cases from the past. This is important so that you could prepare yourself before the journey begins.

The Bronx - Yes, you might find it safe to be in the bronx but not when it is not your neighbourhood. Always remind yourself that it is not your home town where you know everybody. Travelling means that you go to places where you know nobody and nobody knows everybody. So always be safe. If you look like locals then good for you. But if you are not local, it is better to not go to this kind of places cause 'Rob Me!' statement is on your freaking forehead. 

Pub,Club, Fun Fair? -  Having pub or club near you accommodation is pretty much amazing. Its a place where you can hang out and meet people. Especially when you travel during big holidays such as New Year and Christmas. But do you really want it near your hostel?? With all the possible noises and many people at the area. You can't never get a quiet sleep. Once I scouted a hostel in Europe somewhere in Berlin. It was a cheap hotel so I got my eyes on it but the only drawback is  that the hostel is very near to a local club. The hostel got the worst feedback from its visitor (only starred 4 out of 10) because of the noises at the area.

2. Understand the weather
So what to bring and what not to bring? First of all, my advice would be to understand the weather cause some country have wet winter and very hot summer. Worst case scenario would be to have no no comfortable clothes during the winter. Especially when you decide that 'its okay to transit at the station for 5 hours or more' when you have no thick clothes with you. How to know the country's weather? Simple, by just Google the country's name and their weather that time. Weather could varies but the most accurate forecast would be forecast that is stated one day before due date. Therefore always revise your stuff the day before departure.

3. Bring sufficient money for emergency
Back in Malaysia, I don't really believe the Debit Card system there. You could purchase anything with a signature on the receipt but in the UK you need real time PIN number of the card to proceed with the order. Which I think make purchasing process even safer. But what is there is country that do not except card? That is why I always bring sufficient money for emergency in case the country you going to do not accept any card transaction. But if they do, currency exchange for the order will take place and will definitely cost you even more. That is why its considered essential to have sufficient money around while travelling. Never flash it around! Keep it safe!

4. Speak local / Extra Language Helps
Its common courtesy to say thank you and it will be best to say it in their native language. The best part about travelling is you could gain more knowledge in their local culture and language. Always be prepare that some country do not have English as their second language. Now I always thought that English could pretty much safe me in Europe but it did not. I went to Italy last winter and it took every bits of brain in my head to converse in Mandarin which by luck I took the class seriously for a year. Its funny in a way that is why I think it is  better for every traveller to at least try to understand the local.

5. Internet and why its important
Internet is by far the most advance streaming technology that we have today. It seems that there is no way in stopping it. There is always people that use the internet in every second the clock ticks. So why internet is important when you travel? Isn't travelling is to get away from the busy internet based life? No you are definitely wrong! Travelling means maximum usage of internet but on what? For maps of course! From the internet, you could understand your travelling route, the weather forecast, the best place to eat or the best place for New Year celebration. We practically grew up with the internet. I still remember, once, we took internet lightly and ended up wasting time asking around about a place we wanted to go to. Therefore before the departure date, I would suggest you to ask your local telco company whether they have cheapest internet scheme abroad. Some company provide free internet at countries that they have contract with. So make sure to ask. This will safe your time and energy. If not then you have print out maps and search places like the old days.

6. Know your rights
What do I mean by 'Knowing your rights'? Now hold on this statement is not about knowing your rights in law or anything involve penalty from the authorities. But what I meant is knowing your right to redeem any train tickets or cancelling any purchase order. Based on my experience, we took an earlier EuroRail train to avoid transit at Milano Centrale. The day before we almost got rob at Franfurt Station therefore avoiding long transit is our main option. Not knowing that we could change our train schedule at the counter, we hop on the train and willingly paid extra up to 18 euro. Which is a shame really. If only we knew that we could change the train ticket. So always know you right to avoid unnecessary payments.

7. Travel Light
It is very important to travel light during travelling. Why? Because travel light is cost saving and energy saving too. You don't have to waste your energy on unnecessary weight on your back. Some traveller will prefer strap back pack but I personally prefer wheelie luggage during travelling. Mainly because I have poor back. I can't strap on weight for long hours. This is matter of preferences really. From my travelling experiences, female travellers prefer to drag along wheelie luggage with them instead of strap on backpack. Plus, added bonus is that you could monitor all your belongings if you travel light. Hence, at the end of day, you will not leave anything behind. Which is definitely a great thing!

8. What to bring
The 1 million dollar question, what exactly to bring during a long travel? During a long travel, its best to bring something that will benefits you during the long run. I've been to Italy where the winter season is not that cold and chilly so I ended up with too many thick clothes that I never use. I also expected UK to be snowing all the time but now I ended up with one thick winter clothing that I shouldn't buy at the first place. Then again this is all about how well you do your research. 

For a hot sunny weather like Malaysia, you should bring loads of Sun Screen Cream and lotion to give your skin a more moisture feeling without developing any cracks. If  you have to transit at a station over night some where in Malaysia, thin clothing should be sufficient. During the night, Malaysia will only have a little drop in temperature but it will still consider hot. If the destination is somewhere cold and chilly, I would suggest you to bring thick stoking and bringing one blanket will not hurt. You always have to keep warm especially when you are going to transit in an open air station like the train station. Your schedule play a main role in your travelling experience. Therefore decide well!

9. What to expect
First thing is to never expect the picture of the destination is the same as you thought it going to be. Bear in mind that same picture have undergone many types of filter and corrections to look as nice as it is. If you expect things to look great you will face disappointment during your travel and this will make your travelling journey less enjoyable. Be open minded and except not all things flow to your way. Life is not merely schedule for you to follow. Therefore if people ask me what to expect when travelling, I would say be well prepared, don't expect it to be the same way as you thought it would be and lastly enjoy your journey. Travelling plans are like your own way of writing a novel, either you enjoy it or not, is you own writing that will decide that. Moreover, expect that all the places you will go to is not safe. Therefore try to be firm and apply safety first policy when making decisions.

10. Alert
Always alert to your surrounding. Now this is the MOST important tips that one should consider while travelling. Either you are a local or not, nothing could stop bad people from hurting you. This tip is especially for female travellers because people tend to look at us lightly. No matter how exciting it is to talk to other fellow travellers and share your experiences, you should always be careful to your surrounding. You have no idea whether or not the traveller that you talk to is an accomplice to the potential thieves / robber around you. In other words, never to trust people so easily. This is a reminder to myself too, luckily there were two boys that went travelling with me and they kept me safe but it was still a horrendous experience. 

All in all I hope that these 10 tips able to advice fellow travellers to safe travelling.
Zaza Zahidah

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