Family Tree Mural

Family Tree Mural

How to create a family tree mural is very easy. You don't have to be professional painter to have a splendid drawing on your wall. I admit I have never painted a wall before and  I painted my dining room with family tree that everyone in the family can reminisce the moments when they were young and etc. I painted a lot and from my previous posts, I showed some of the painting I've done but the whole point of doing that is train my hand to be more steady when handling brushes and paints.

All you need is
1. White paint
2. Dark Brown Paint
3. Light Brown or slightly Yellowish Brown paint
4. Nylon flat tip brush
5. Water
6. Paint roller
7. Newspaper to avoid paint drips onto the floor
8. And If you're short use ladder

Firstly I paint the wall white. The reason to this is because my previous wall color is blue. If you directly dab the base color onto the blue it will not come out nice so make sure to paint the wall white first.

Secondly, let the wall dry and in the mean time wash all used up brushes with water until it is clean. You can use it back after that.

After the wall is all dried up. You have to paint the wall with second coat of white paint. Sometimes you can see patches of blue-ish white so to make the wall really white you have to apply second until third coating if necessary. And wash again the brush to avoid paint permanently on it.

Thirdly, apply yellowish brown or light brown as the base of the family tree. Once again you have to make sure no patches of white. Therefore second to third coating is necessary. Wash again the brushes directly after using.

Now wait until the wall all dried up and then you can proceed with sketching on the wall. You have to maintain small amount of mistakes when sketching to avoid black stain of carbon ever after you rub it off.

The tips to create a so-so tree is by familiarizing on how to create almost a real tree. The base of the tree should be bigger than the trunk and the branches should be thinner at the tip and gradually become bigger when approaching the trunk.

Done sketching? Then right away paint the dark brown paint. Why wait the excitement! For this you need a steady hand but if you want to use tape for guidance you can use the white tape, it won't leave residue on the wall. Because tape use more time and I'm out of it so I decided to wing it instead. (only after I realize using tape use more time and energy).

The tree also need a few coating just to get the deep dark paint. Then it definitely gives dimensions to your wall. To create life (so the tree won't look dead) add few leaves and love birds. Add anything if you want to, depending on your creativity.

Now come the part where we use tools to do the frame. All I did was bought some frames from DIY shop (I bought frame with stand behind it) and try to attached it with frame triangle ring (I don't exactly know what to call it). Try to copy what other hanging picture frame look like and you will be just fine.

My mother will put all the shelves away. She recommended that all the picture when we were little to be put at the trunk of the tree and as we gradually growing up, the picture will be at the above part of the tree.

That is one of the adventure of painting throughout my semester break. I hope you can do it too. Any question please ask. I am pleased to elaborate more.


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