Weekend Escape to ROYAL town Kuala Kangsar

'Damn the week is hell! All assignments and tests are, everything on the shoulder. You can feel the burden. With dancing everyday until 12am I decided that things should stop and LET'S have WEEKEND ESCAPE.

Thought just want to have lunch together with my study group members until one decided let's go to Kuala Kangsar and eat cendol (a Malaysian delicacies. Crushed ice with topping) . The ride took about one hour, like all Malaysian said 'alang2 (might as well) already there, let's explore the whole town'

Before Cendol eating we went to the old castle for the royal during the olden times. The castle was pretty much smaller that the one they're using now. The old castle must have been viewed as the biggest and most luxurious place before.

After that, a museum of the current Sultan of Perak situated just around the corner. The museum is very luxurious. Although the place is not a castle but the interior and the architecture of the building worthy to call it as the Museum of Sultan Azlan Shah (the name of the current Sultan of Perak).

My mother would love to go there someday. She always talk about the history of the Sultans, any Sultan really. There are about 14 Sultans here in Malaysia and she remember by heart each and everyone of them. That is why my mother would be the best tourist guide when it comes to museums.

uuuuu by the way, every exhibits in the museum is really luxurious. From the clothing of the sultan and the sultanah (the king's wife) to the tableware use by them and the sword collection of the sultan. Everything are like apple to the eyes.

Of course, with many and many more photo shooting we went to rest at the river side. The place is very famous with Labu Sayong (a clay water bottle that could cool the water). Thought of buying it for myself but I pass. My room is a disaster with loads of stuff and having labu sayong doesn't help or make my room tidy itself. Owh by the way, I still have no idea how the labu sayong could make the water chill, just like when you refrigerate the water. There is no refrigerator during the olden days so they use Labu Sayong.

I had fun, consider it a total stress release. Feeling crazy and of course I was exhausted when coming back home but who cares man. I get to know my friends better and the feeling of sadness gone. I mean I don't know, sometimes I get carried away thinking of my grandmother and I need this weekend escape. Helps me to move on sometimes.

Let's not get carried away with fun


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