Asking HELP for flood victims in Malaysia.

Every year, Malaysia will hit by the annual north-east monsoon and thus making flood one of the natural disaster of the year. Of course usually, the states that will effected by the floods are Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang however, this year north-east monsoon bring greater devastation than before giving 5 states effected by the floods as stated in Sin Chiew Daily. The 2 additional states that effected by the monsoon this year are Johor and Pahang.

Even though this is an annual disaster, we can never take this lightly. As Malaysian, we have to try and help others fellow Malaysian and never to remain oblivious against this matter. As you can see, flood may occur lightly but it also means that economy losses during the flood and electricity and road (transportation) is interrupted by the disaster. Imagine that some people have to leave their houses when there is not even light and power to guide them around. It is very dangerous especially near the water.

Not to mentioned, there are victims might not get enough food supplies for their families due to the limited transportation for rescue. However, we all can lessen the burden by donating money and other things such clothes, pillow, blanket and dry foods for the survival of the victims. Especially during this cold weather where clothes and blankets can provide warmth for the victims. 

I can say that, I have never faced any flood disasters before and therefore I always take this things lightly. I grew up feeling less concern about it especially flood is a matter that we discuss every year. However, after watching news, reading the newspaper, and some simulation of the event if it happened to me, I started to feel very bad towards the victims. We all have the obligations to help the people in need. I can't imagine living in halls and schools without a house. During the flood, I am sure all my precious belonging will be swept away by the water and therefore no money to live with even if the flood is gone.

That is why we need to help this people. To help them recover even for after the flood because some may have nothing left to live with after the disaster. 

For people who wanted to help, there are a few ways to help.

Ways to HELP
1. Contact your nearest charity organization and asked them about the best way to help the flood victims.

2. You can type BANJIR<space><amount> and send to number 13999. A shortest way to donate trough SMS. The amount can be RM1, RM3, RM5, RM10 and RM20. This donating method had been mentioned in Utusan Malaysia newspaper on 12 December 13.

3. You can also donate by giving things that are needed and drop it at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS situated at Perak.

4. Or you can donate your money by transferring it to a Maybank account 5640-9820-6365 under the name of Malaysian Relief Agency (MRA).

We all are pretty much concern about the matter, the flood, the disaster and the victims. However, we can help by donating money or even involve with the distribution food to the victims. Hopefully this post got some other people attention regarding the flood here in Malaysia and I'm sure any supplies of donation to the victims are very well appreciated.



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