Should we leave religion for job?

One question I wonder after seeing so much negativity in this video. Should we leave our religion for job? Can people make us leave our religious practice for a job? We all have some faith for our religion but I still think that it is not appropriate to leave our religion practices for something else. Unless you willingly to do it. But if people make you do it, it should be I don't know falls in some kind of human rights violation right?

One thing is faith is not cheap to be sell over money. That is what I think. So people should respect what people do, what people practice. The word blend in is overrated. 'Blend in' among community. Sometimes its ok to be different. You know why? because you'll be obvious. You will be referred as someone who stand by its principle, by its faith. 

Because of 'blending in', we can't really identified thief among us or psychopath among us. Because of 'blend in' victims just stand in the crowd not calling for help. So what I am saying is. Sometimes things to be miss understood badly. Islam called as terrorist whereas majority Muslims never done terrorist attempts. Or female children thrown away because of her gender and many more.

So before saying anything badly, ask yourself this. How sure are you that good things is actually good? 

ZazaZahidah with confuse people in the world.


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