United Kingdom - Wollaton Hall and Park Nottingham

Hey guys, long time no hear isn't it?
Guess what......I am currently living in the United Kingdom and going everywhere. I do love this country. With the high value currency, I could go all over Europe even though I am just a student (one of the low paid individuals). By comparison, we can't travel all over Malaysia without feeling broke, that is one thing that I am sure of. 

Why I love this country? It is because I can't get the same view in Malaysia and the weather is so strange and I found it interesting. I came here during the fall season where every leaves turns brown and falling. I love it! The weather here reminds me about my English teacher that thought us in British Council tuition class. He once told the class how horrible is the weather in the UK where every day is always wet and cold. I thought he was joking but yes the weather is a bit depressing. However, when the sun comes out, you will appreciate it.

I met great people and everyone is polite. Though I felt otherwise in Europe nonetheless it was still a good experience. Let's cut the chase and let's talk about Wollaton hall and Park in Nottingham aka Wayne Manor Mansion. You guys know Wayne Manor right? No? How about Batman? Yes..... the building is the actual building in Batman The Dark Knight Rises movie. How cool is that huh.

The building exterior is excellent and it is totally free, you can go where ever you want in the building. However, you do have to pay extra for tour. I don't find it interesting in the inside but I do love the exterior architecture of the building. You can't get the same view in Malaysia.

The park is excellent and it is huge. Really, really wide green space and to think that someone lived there once upon a time is unbelievable. That person must be loaded. The compound has deer, flowers, lake, green house, you name it. The scenery soothe your eyes if you up to something greenery. I give this place a stamp of approval! 

If only I could stay there much longer however the daylight in the UK during that time is shorter and you can't get good picture after 3 pm because the sun starts to set. No natural light so you will struggle. Hope to go there again someday, but this time around with my family. Hope to hear again from you guys soon.

-Zaza Zahidah


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